West Printers is a company located in Kisumu, Kenya. This article has been presented to provide some information about West Printers.
The information presented have been fetched from the company registrar in Kenya. The copyrighted information are subjected to their respective owners.
Details for West Printers
West Printers is a registred company located in Kisumu Kenya since 22nd May 20. Below are the summary information of the company;
- Registered name: West Printers
- Registrati0n number: BN-AAA0GUI7
- Certificate number: NT/PPD/2020/DGW/3183
West Printers was registered to serve for Women. It was registered on 22nd May 20 with the aim of uplifting the well-being of Kisumu in Kenya.
For more information and careers from West Printers visit this page to find out more.